Here comes a official released 0.9pb3. This is because many users complaint about the information(!) dialog. I just don’t want to read these mails anymore… I don’t think that that warning message was so important, if I had knew what troubles it would cause, I probably never implemented it, making lots of users work with older versions.
Enough for that, this version should remove many problems with older EAC versions like the Win2000 file dialog box bug. Please remark that this is only a prerelease without any documentation and no support. Everybody who tested 0.9pb1 and pb2 should test this version on new/old bugs and report me about it. I hope everything will work, as I implemented many features “last-minute”. Don’t ask me about features that don’t work, as not everything is implemented yet. There are many additions like LAME support (EXE and DLL), index based extraction, cool down feature, etc.
The next prebeta version will be unofficial again, the 0.9b final is planned for march 2000.
If you have a question, please use either my mailing list or my forum, but do not bother me directly. If there you found a real(!) bug, then please contact me.
Now I wish all of you merry chrismas and a happy new year! Peace to the world!