Sorry that I didn’t released a new version so far, but I had plenty of work at the university and in my job. But now 0.9pb6 is finally finished. I removed many bugs lately, but of course there will be still plenty of them…
I decided that this release and all future prebeta releases will be available again to all users, it should be stable enough to not having piles of bug reports. Further this version has ToolTips for most option dialogs that should help beginner users. From now on there will be more frequent, but smaller updates as mainly audio editor features will be improved for the next version. It is possible that the one or other feature is not perfect yet, so please report any bugs to the mailing list.
The following changes are made from 0.9pb5 :
- Many bug fixes (Plextor 40x Multisession (I hope it is gone), etc.)
- Support for Sony (HP) writers
- ToolTips help for most option dialogs
- Additional options for LAME and Gogo DLL encoder
- Creation of offset CDs for determing the combined read/write offset or the absolute read offset (if you know the write offset of your drive)
- More improvements to the write layout editor
- BurnProof support for Plextor 1210
- Correct offset correction for MP3 compression and decompression
- Drag and drop from the explorer to EAC (Main window will compress (WAV) or call the write module (CUE), the write window will add files as index 1 (WAV) or load a cue sheet (CUE))
- ID3 V1.1 support
- Direct (without previous decompression) MP3 and compressed WAV write support
- Support for writing under Win2000 for IDE drives (that work under Win98)
- More new features, too many to mention…
I am sure you will enjoy it! 😉