I’m sorry that again a time-out message pop up so early… I hope there are no severe problems, as EAC crashes Windows on some systems when displaying this message. If there are such problems, contact me…
I finished the second prebeta version of EAC 0.9, now more CD writer should work. It will now be tested by my beta testers. There was a severe bug in ALL secure extraction routines, I found it because it was occuring more often in the new C2 extraction mode… Further there are many bugfixes and some additions, hope you will like them.
I already announced a utility to gather CD informations for EAC offset detection routines. If you own a Plextor PX32 then please help me and send me as many cd infos from common(!), well-known CDs using this program. It will create a file in the current directory for every CD catalogized. Please send me as many CD infos as possible (you should compress them with WinZIP into an archive before sending it), and please fill all information fields you will be asked by the program!
There will be most probably a third prebeta version before the release of the official 0.9 beta, so I don’t expect that version before the new year!
I will soon get the opportunity to test EAC on Win 2000 RC2, to find that annoying file dialog bug… Further my Forum pages are down, I already mailed my provider, but didn’t received a response so far.
There is now an offical EAC banner, have a look on my links page.
I will be on holiday from 14.11 up to 21.11, so I won’t respond to any mails. If you have a question, please subscribe to my mailing list and ask your question there…